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Toilet Rush 2

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4.5 (2 vote)

It is a new adventure where you must help your character to the toilet as quickly as you only can. Prepare for some thrilling and hilarious moments! You have had no idea that visiting toilet can be so funny. The objective is obvious – you must reach the bathroom in minutes if not earlier. Urgency is key, as you already know from real-life experiences when every second counts on the way to the restroom. You can imagine what can happen if you fail to reach the destination on time. The consequences can be quite painful and shameful as your character’s panties will get wet! So you are not going to let it happen, are you? Let’s see if you are smart enough for it!

Pass all the levels

Every time you start a new level, you will find yourself in a new comic situation. You can even be in public or in a park. But it is always a need to find the toilet immediately. However, this task is full of challenges. The player needs to navigate through many obstacles on the way to the toilet. You will have to perform funny maneuvers to succeed. The whole activity is very enjoyable as you never know whether you will manage to make it right to the end. You will love this endless fun and tons of humorous twists. Enjoy it to the fullest!

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